
Guide Resource Efficiency

There is a multitude of methods and tools that exist for different questions and problems and can be applied for the implementation of resource efficiency in the business. The Resource Efficiency Guide helps you to tackle resource efficiency measures in your business step by step and helps you to find the right method or tool for each step.

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The picture shows two men talking on their way through a warehouse. © PantherMedia / shock

Ecological and Economic Assessment of Resource Use - Use of recycled plastics in packaging materials

By 2030, 55% of plastic packaging in the EU is to be recycled to preserve its value. This study provides information on the extent to which recyclates are suitable for the production of high-quality packaging products and when it makes economic sense for SMEs to switch to R-plastics.

  • Studies
Details of a recycling machine for plastics © PantherMedia/Peryn

Brief Analysis No. 25: Resource efficiency in industry-related crafts

The skilled crafts sector is a key pillar of the SME sector and therefore of the German economy. The brief analysis highlights the resource efficiency potential in the industry-related skilled crafts sector and uses good practice examples to show how companies can reduce their material and energy consumption.

  • Brief Analysis
Cover of Brief Analysis No. 25 © PantherMedia / shime02

Brief Analysis No. 35: Resource efficiency through additive manufacturing

In the manufacturing industry, additive manufacturing processes are already considered a valuable addition to conventional industrial manufacturing processes. However, they not only offer opportunities and potential for SMEs, but are also associated with challenges. This is where the new VDI ZRE brief analysis comes in.

  • Brief Analysis
Cover picture of Brief Analysis No 35 © PantherMedia / spopov, VDI ZRE

Brief Analysis No. 34: The potential of the mainstream construction industry for enhencing resource efficiency in the building sector

Modern processes for recycling components and materials are an important block for improving the circularity of products. This brief analysis by VDI ZRE now presents new technologies for a resource-efficient circular economy.

  • Brief Analysis
Das Bild ist ein Foto, aufgenommen aus der Froschperspektive. Zu sehen ist eine Baustelle mit zwei Hochhäusern, links davon steht ein orangefarbener Kran, vor einem der Gebäude, rechts im Bild, ein gelber Kran. © PantherMedia / silverjohn

Ecological and Economic Assessment of Resource Use - Remanufacturing of products

Remanufacturing offers the opportunity to keep products or components in the economic cycle – even beyond their originally planned service life, thereby contributing to the circular economy.

  • Studies
Cover picture of VDI ZRE-study "Remanufacturing of Products" © PantherMedia / nd3000

Ecological and Economic Assessment of Resource Use - Industry 4.0 retrofit measures on machine tools

Retrofitting instead of buying new: Modern systems are needed to make production in manufacturing companies fit for Industry 4.0. But instead of buying new equipment outright, many existing machines can also be adequately upgraded.

  • Studies
Cover of Retrofit-Study © PantherMedia / nd3000, VDI ZRE

Resource Efficieny through Building Information Modelling

The course for the most efficient use of natural resources is already set in the early planning phases of a building. With the help of Building Information Modelling (BIM), the entire planning process can be optimised and the use of natural resources minimised.

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Cover of VDI ZRE-Brochure "Resource efficiency through BIM" © kister scheithauer gross architekten und stadtplaner GmbH

ESTEM Final Report: Development of a Standardised Procedure for Determining the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Saved by Material Efficiency Measures

The ESTEM final report contains results of the environmental analysis, discussions in workshops with the professional public, information concerning the actual development of methods and particular case studies. The final report is supplemented by the Excel®-based ESTEM tool and an associated guideline.

  • Studies
Cover of the ESTEM final report © VDI ZRE, AdobeStock/MIND AND I, PantherMedia/cookelmar, VDI ZRE, VDI ZRE

Resource efficiency in construction – From planning to the building

The brochure provides an overview of the definition of resource efficiency and options for integrating resource efficiency aspects from planning to construction. It contains further information and helpful tools as well as best practices.

  • Brochures
Das Bild zeigt die Fassade und den Innenhof eines Neubaus. © ZRS Architekten

Brief Analysis No. 33: Resource efficiency due to innovative recycling technologies and processes

Modern processes for recycling components and materials are an important block for improving the circularity of products. This brief analysis by VDI ZRE now presents new technologies for a resource-efficient circular economy.

  • Brief Analysis
The picture shows a conveyor belt on which waste is transported to the recycling plant. © PantherMedia / Romaset, VDI ZRE

Brief Analysis No. 32: Technologies for digitally recording of resource consumptions

By digitally recording, storing and integrating resource data, material and energy consumption can be tracked and reduced. This is due to the effect that digital approach makes potential savings quantifiable. However, the value of this data is often difficult to grasp for SMEs.

  • Brief Analysis
Titelbild der Kurzanalyse Nr. 32 "Technologien zur digitalen Erfassung  von Ressourcenverbräuchen" © PantherMedia / Gorodenkoff, VDI ZRE

Brief Analysis No. 31: Digital technologies for developing resource-efficient products and services

Via simulation instead of prototypes: Digital technologies simplify the development of products and services in many ways. Simultaneously, companies face the challenge of dealing with the complexity of data management. The following brief analysis "Digital technologies for the development of resource-efficient products and services" points out how companies can save natural resources already in product development through digitisation, "Industrie 4.0" and innovative methods.

  • Brief Analysis
Brief Analysis No. 31: Digital technologies for developing resource-efficient products and services © PantherMedia/Gorodenkoff (edited)

Brief Analysis No. 30: Resource efficiency via production planning and lean production

The concept of a lean, holistic production system – with the essential goal of avoiding waste – has been known since the early 1990s. The reason is that a holistic approach reveals numerous savings potentials for material and energy as well as possible strategies for increasing resource efficiency in companies. The brief analysis "Resource efficiency via production planning and Lean Production" therefore provides an overview of which production methods SMEs can use to save material and energy and thus act more resource-efficiently.

  • Brief Analysis
The image displays interlocking cogwheels. In the front there are icons that symbolize different production steps. © PantherMedia / nikkytok, VDI ZRE

Brief Analysis No. 29: New business models and resource efficiency

The worlds of business and industry have undergone some significant changes in recent years. Established institutions are being supplanted by competitors with completely new business models. Online lexicons are replacing encyclopaedias, the largest accommodation platform doesn’t own a single one of the properties it offers. New competitors with innovative business ideas are surging into the market, largely as a result of digitisation. Alongside the challenges of a world that continues to change at an ever-faster rate, these developments can present far-reaching opportunities when it comes to industry and resource efficiency.

  • Brief Analysis
The image shows a drawing of a light bulb and three blank Post-Its. © PantherMedia / trueffelpix

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